Friday 28 June 2013


DON’T go extreme with a theme.
Theme weddings such as "Black & White" are fine.  However, avoid "Star Wars", Costume, and "Renaissance" weddings.  Don’t expect guests to come in costumes.  They are observers, not participants.

DON’T freak out if you’re invited solo.
For guests......if the couple is watching costs, it may mean that you are invited "without" a guest.  Don't assume it's ok to bring one.  Also, if you have children and they are not specifically listed on the invite, don't bring them.

DON’T blow your budget.
Starting a new life together is difficult enough; don't add the pressure of overspending.  There are only two things you shouldn't skimp on, the food and drink.  Make sure your guests are well fed and satisfied.


Wedding is a really unique event in each person's lifestyle. It is one of the unique events that would be remembered for an extremely extended time. One of the modern methods to make it even more memorable is the use of a wedding website. It will not only permit you to deal with the particulars of your marriage but also give accessibility to loads of details and about your plans to the invitees and presents. The wedding website would assist you to get valuable suggestions from your friends, family members, relatives and visitors.

Most individuals make use of the wedding website in a creative manner. Some of them consist of the enjoy story and the way in which the marriage proposal was produced and the preparation plans. A single can add the photos, movies and occasion details to give a personalized appearance to the website. It would help communicate the right theme to the invitees and help them strategy accordingly for the wedding.

It is really essential to style a wedding website for your marriage as it permits to talk the wedding options well in advance in a very innovative manner, develop visitor list and track the invitation distribution method, assists getting appropriate feedback, suggestion and tips to make the event even much more unique, help the invitees to program for the wedding nicely in advance, budget tracking is also feasible via the wedding website.

The wedding website with images, videos will assist your guests get a comfortable setting before the wedding day. It offers perfect particulars about the time, place and date of wedding. It can also consist of links or details of hotels and accommodations to offer flexibility and comfort to the out station guests.

Make the wedding website interactive in nature wherein you would be ready to accept the suggestions of the visitor to make the event even much more unique and memorable. Make use of the advantageous functions of the wedding website to make the one time occasion an extended lasting memory.


Sometimes, wedding crashers come from within the family. It might be unintentional or most times intentional; whatever. I had a case where the mother of the bride insisted on the cake for her daughter’s wedding to be baked by her sister. I was so amazed and dumb-founded as I had never heard of the so-called aunt’s cake baking firm before and I immediately got to find out that she was just a petty pastry maker.

As the wedding planner of the wedding, I tried to talk the mother of the bride out of it but she insisted that the aunt was the favorite of the daughter and wanted to give her a wedding cake as a gift. I decided to lay low so I would not get involved in a tussle with her.

On the faithful day, the cake did not come out as expected and what followed it was not a funny tale. The bride got so bitter with the cake and refused to use it for her reception. It made her so angry and she began exchanging words with her mum leading to steams of tears flowing down her cheek; this was not what she dreamt her wedding would look like.

She took some time outside the reception hall to cry her anger out and I took that as an opportunity to calm her down with the assistance of the chief bride’s-maid as there was no alternative at that time. She was so mad at her mum and everything but I consoled her telling her that her mum never meant bad for her but probably over estimated the confidence in her aunt. I also told her that she could decide to give room to people to crash her big day or just ignore; I advised her to ignore them and carry on with the cake. It was not an easy situation as it is usually difficult to calm the bride down when she is in such raised temper.

We were finally able to calm her down and everything continued smoothly. At the end of the day, I breathed a heavy sigh of relief as I knew that this issue as minor as it may seem could spoil the whole event.


If you do it right, you can pull off pants in just about any color – yes even pink jeans – and look stylish, masculine and appropriate.

The first trick to pulling off bright colors is making sure you’re doing it on the right day. It should be sunny, when the sun should be shining.

After that, it is important to tone down the rest of your outfit. Your pants will handle the color, so keep your shirt, jacket, shoes, accessories, etc. in muted neutral colors like white, navy, brown, etc and avoid bold patterns.

Try not to wear black as it will look stark versus saturated colors. Also keep in mind, as always, that if you are not comfortable in the clothes you are wearing, people will notice and it will defeat the purpose of wearing things that are slightly outside-the-box. Confidence is key.


The master of ceremony isn’t just one who knows how to talk or one who yabs people. Truth is, a wedding master of ceremony shouldn’t be caught yabbing anyone as it doesn’t go well in a wedding setting. Also note, that fact that when he talks people laughs doesn’t just qualify him to run you wedding ceremony. Wedding comperes have guidelines; some which includes knowing the right pronunciations of the high note names, know how to manage time effectively, they must be entertaining and able to hold your guest all through and many more.

I got a call form an unknown number and caller, who wanted to contract me as the master of ceremony for his wedding reception. The deal was made and I forwarded my account details. Days after, I got alerted by my bank that the client had made payments. I was excited about it because the pay was good and judging from the names of the couple, it was going to be a big wedding so I saw it as an opportunity to advertise my skills on the microphone to the prominent guests that will be attending the ceremony.

Unlike myself, I got into work more than ever, days before the wedding date, I was brainstorming of many rib crackers to dish out to the guests on that day, I did some research on the internet and so on, after all they say “to whom much is given, much is expected”.

So on that fateful Saturday, I got ready, well dressed and was early at the venue. As the solemnization ended, guest gushed into the classy reception venue. I took notice of the parents of couple marching in with their relatives and several prominent guests were stepping into the venue in their numbers. I felt really good and told myself, “I will display my best here”. I got the reception ceremony started, and everything was going on smoothly; I dished out some lovely wedding jokes from my arsenal of rib crackers and guest were all laughing and having a swell time. This was going on well until I gave room for the chairman was made to give his opening speech as the usual costume demands.

To start with, he presented an unnecessarily long and boring speech. As if that wasn’t enough, he suddenly took over my job and became the master of ceremony. Before I could say anything or introduce the next segment, he would call me up, (excuse me mc) take the microphone and proceed with the next agenda. It soon became annoying, but he was the chairman, a senior Uncle to the father of the groom and of course a famous wealthy business man. It but should have thought that a person in such status should know better. (Well, he didn’t). Mr. Chairman did the chairman’s speech, welcomed the newly wedded couple into the hall, made introduction of refreshments, blessed the refreshment, introduce the cutting of the cake and surprisingly did the toast.

To make it more embarrassing, he said to the groom; “in one minute, say a word of appreciation, not more than one minute”. It wasn’t funny at all to me and most of the guests, even though one of them said to me, not  to worry myself as long as I have been paid, that didn’t change my mood as couldn’t remember holding that microphone for up to twenty minutes. Shai!!! Mr. Chairman Sir, what did I do to you?